AI Programmer
Spite - New Sun

Main attributes
Handling of it's movement, rotation, health, animation implementation etc.​
The player had 6 unique abilities, which I implemented​
There was a boss at the end of the game which I handled with a State Machine​
My main responsibility this project was to implement the player features, it's movement, rotation, animations and it's abilities and their visualizations.
The player had 6 abilities this game project, early on we had implemented a system for all abilities that got used for the player, enemies and boss's abilities (a system made by Tyko Brising).


Basically a sword, it's an OBB collider that gets activated for x seconds, and then deactivated, placed in front of the player no matter which direction.
Just like it sounds, a spear which you can throw in whatever direction, an OBB collider that activates when releasing the right mouse button, and goes that direction, either until it hits something, or until it's outside of the navmesh.
If you hold in the right mouse button long enough, the spear gets stronger, and can go through several enemies.
Another OBB, between start position (player's position), and end position (mouse's position). It delivers damage to enemies, and is a quick way for the player to reach another destination.
A magical shield that surrounds the player, if it gets hit once, it explodes and deals damage to whatever entitiy that hit it, otherwise it has a timer that can run out and the shield deactivates. This time, the collider was a sphere.

Stun Cloud
A small projectile you launch in order to slow enemies down, it also deals a little damage each second the enemy remains in the collider.
A strong ability with a large area that takes a bit of player's life and deals a lot of damage to whatever entity that collides with it.
State machine
For the boss of this project I decided to have a state machine, it had 3 general abilities:
Spawn enemies
Three states
First state it spawns enemies within a time limit, and shoots laser from stones in the arena.
Second state it spawns enemies as well, and shoots projectiles from above the player.
Third state includes all abilities, bringing a chaotic end to the game.